Read All About It...: Goals vs. Desire

Monday, December 6, 2010

Goals vs. Desire

I kept thinking that if I at least had a boyfriend, things would fall into place. My goals in life would be met. So now, when I find out the one I had my eyes set upon is leaving, I felt discouraged. Granted, I wasn't just looking to him to be a boyfriend- that is madness. He is wonderful, and any girl would be lucky to have him because he is a catch. However, I did place the idea having a boyfriend as a goal.

Improper placement. Having a boyfriend or a husband is not a goal. It is a desire. And there is a difference. Desire is something that you want, but it requires the co-operation of another person to attain. Goals, on the other hand, are ambitions that are attainable with the persistence and work of one's self.

Example: Becoming an actress on Broadway is a desire- it requires the co-operation of a Broadway casting director. Becoming an actress can be a goal. You can train and begin acting on your own. Becoming a working actress is a desire...

I have learned a very important thing. Goals are something that you can work towards. Desires are things that you have to pray for. I will try not to confuse the two things anymore.

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