Read All About It...: February 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Want To Know What Makes You Cry

PMS. Seriously, though. I have some major moods while I'm PMS-ing. I have to be up for work in about two hours, and I am sitting in bed, fully clothed, teary-eyed, and illogical. You know what's ridiculous is when your logic is reminding you that you have nothing to be sad about, but something... a chemical/hormonal imbalance, perhaps, is making you feel cranky, irritable, and sad. The crankiness and the irritability are manageable, it's the sadness that gets out of hand.

At least for me. Where is all of this gloom and doom coming from?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Big Girl Boots

Perspective is great. I am ready to grow up now.

Dear God,
I can't do it on my own, so please forgive me for trying to be self-sufficient. I know that there are things I am responsible for, so I am stepping up to the plate and scared silly, but through your strength and power, I can do all things. Be with me and allow me to walk in Your way.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Two/To/Too... You're/Your... There/They're/Their...

Am I a snob? It really bothers me when people cannot follow simple grammatical structure! When you speak, okay, so you can't really hear a difference, but I am still tempted to correct certain individuals on their spelling.

"Two" is a number- ex. Here are two new stores.
"To" is a preposition (it proceeds nouns)- ex. I am going to the store.
"Too" is a synonym for also, or indicates excessiveness when placed before an adjective or adverb- ex. I would go too, but I am too tired.

"You're" is a contraction of the words you and are- ex. You're my best friend!
"Your" is possessive- ex. Is that your best friend?

"There" indicates location- ex. I am driving over there.
"They're" is a contraction of the words they and are- ex. They're driving too fast.
"Their" is possessive- ex. I am going to steal their car.

Writing is easy. If you are past the seventh grade, you should have learned this by now.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Parents

I take it for granted that my parents pray God's will over my life. They pray everyday for me, and little do I realize how much I've been protected from real troublesome experiences. It's easy to compare my life with others and see what I lack, but that's just foolish of me to do.

I was on the phone with my Appa (my daddy), and I just needed some financial help, and I said that I didn't want to ask him and that I was really sorry that I couldn't handle my finances very well this month, and guess what he said?

"Who else are you going to ask? You are my daughter, are you not? If you need help, I'm going to help you. Life is hard for us, but we look up to heaven and ask our Father to help us." My mom got on the phone and said that everyday she prays for me to be successful (and also for me to find my husband, ha ha).

I forgot that I am loved though I am far away. I forgot what it feels like to be a daughter and to be a child. I forgot what family means. Sometimes I feel like an orphan, but I'm not. My parents forfeited their dreams to make mine a reality. They sacrificed so much to give my sister and me a real future. And I am completely inept. I can do nothing to ever pay them back for all the good they've done. But I know my Father in heaven will bless their sacrifices, and give back one hundred fold, and from now on, I will pray for that daily.