Read All About It...: Dare You To Move

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dare You To Move

So, it looks like I left a big chunk of my heart in New York City, which is awesome and frustrating. Do I feel ready to take the stage? Well, yes and no. I don't think I'll be performing in the same capacity. Honestly, I don't care if I don't end up on Broadway. I just want to do something that will impact the world for a greater good.

Carol and Jaydip's wedding was beautiful and the whole process was delightful to watch and participate. At one point, me, Brandon (the guitarist) and Liz (one of Carol's Bridesmaids, girlfriend of Brandon) went to Central Park and did some busking. We sang for about forty minutes and got four dollars. It felt great to just sing and perform again before an audience. We donated the four dollars to Shaela, another bridesmaid, who is in the process of adopting a child from Hungary. Even though four dollars isn't very much, it felt good to use my talents to help others.

I also got to see so many of my talented and artistic friends, and they just filled my heart with so much joy and laughter.

I'm ready to go back to the city.

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