Read All About It...: United Colors

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

United Colors

It seems as though I've always had a very colorful crowd of friends- not just literally, but in personalities, in occupations, and in life goals. My friends Quinn and Zu laughed about it saying we were like a walking "United Colors of Benetton" ad. Maybe it's that I live in a city with so many varieties of people, or maybe I'm a person of an "ethnic" heritage, so it's forced me to make friends of different styles and flavors... Yet, I know plenty of people who are considered "ethnic" but still hang out with a set demographic of people types.

I don't mean to brag on myself: Look at me! I have a diverse group of friends! But I do thank God that this is how my life has turned out. I love that my best friends in the world look nothing like me and nothing like one another. They come in all shapes and sizes, all kinds of colors, all different socioeconomic backgrounds, and yet we love one another effortlessly and without judgement.

There have been people in my past who I have aligned myself with who claim to be so diverse and open-minded, and yet when you look at the people they surround themselves with, they look the same, and talk the same-- they are all the same color, and all the same "type." They may turn up their noses, and deem us unworthy, but little do they know that we are representing the colors of Heaven.

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