Read All About It...: Little Boxes

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Little Boxes

I like to compartmentalize my things: these papers go into this envelope, these toiletries go on this shelf, these socks go into this drawer.

That's all fine and dandy, but what do you do with all the items that are intangible? Where do you put those?

To be honest, I am not an organized person. I have the capacity to be extremely detailed and organized, but it takes me a lot of time. It doesn't come naturally, and I often get distracted in the process.

If the outer appearance of my room reflects the workings of my mind, then everything's a hot mess. Some things are in place, but most things are just scattered about. Some items are set in place and tidy, but all around it, there's chaos. Maybe my mind is the same way. Some ideas are set in stone, but all around there's a mess, and things that should be put in drawers are on shelves and things that should be on shelves are scattered in boxes.

I sure could use CLEAN HOUSE to come and save the day...

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