Sisters. What in heavens was God thinking when he invented them?! Take Leah and Rachel for example! Maybe seperately they would have been fine, but together? Sheesh, I wouldn't want to be in the same room with those two even if you paid me. Well... depends on the sum...
For some reason or other, I just cannot seem to understand my sister or how she works. It seems that I'm constantly finding myself annoyed with her. She is older, and she is married, and she also thinks that she knows EVERYTHING. And she makes these suggestions that are really condescending, and she gives me really impractical advice that doesn't even relate to what I'm talking about.
We are as different as night and day. I feel like she is very simple, and I know that she's smarter than me in some ways, but in a lot of ways, I'm a lot smarter than her. I feel as though I understand her, but she doesn't really understand me at all. We can't relate to each other. And it kinda breaks my heart.
I love my sister, I really do. Sometimes I think that I love her a lot more than she loves me. And sometimes... I just feel like this continent is not big enough for the two of us.
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