Happy Christmas! As a gift to myself, I decided to start yet another blog. Sure I blog on myspace, xanga, facebook, and livejournal, but I'm a gal who likes to write, so it's only natural for me to have many, many blogs.
I'm visiting my parents for Christmas, and we have no Christmas tree :( But we do have presents :) Though I really miss my crew in ATL, it's good to be with my folks. It's funny how parents fundamentally stay the same- or at least, mine do.
That makes me wonder about my older years- will I be unchangeable? I hope that if I am, it's a good kind of unchangeable. I want to be one of those little old ladies who go sky diving, and ride motorcycles, and have bluish-purple colored hair. I don't think those ladies mean to have bluish-purple hair... or maybe they do? I'm not sure, perhaps they think that it's more becoming than trying to dye it black, brown, red, or other colors, and maybe the bluish-purple lasts longer and blends well with gray. I don't quite know, but if I ever get the chance, I want to be one of them..
Anyway, Christmas is not my favorite holiday, because though I absolutely love Jesus and I love that He was born this day, I'm not a very good "birthday" friend. I often forget peoples birthdays, and yeah, it's pretty impossible to forget His birthday, but at the same time we're surrounded by commercialism and capitalism. It gets me down a little. I think Jesus would tell us: "Enough with the glitz and sparkly lights! Just come away with me and spend some quality time with me already!"
What do you think?
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