Read All About It...: Rightly Directing Desires

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rightly Directing Desires

The desire for beauty, for affirmation, and for pleasure are ingrained in our human nature, but when I go seeking them from every source but the presence of God, it will lead to my ruin. It will give me temporary satisfaction, but at the end of the day, I will be empty and alone. I have been ruined by the world. I have been empty and alone. I've been dying, and only now have I begun to feel the pain and remorse that I had been numb to for so long. I have broken my heart. I have broken the heart of God. And it hurts.

Search my heart, God
Know my thoughts
Create in me something clean
Renew a right spirit within me

Rightly direct my desires. Let me receive the beauty, the affirmation, and absolute pleasure from you. If you asked me what I desire, I would like my answer to be more of you. I don't want to fake this thing, God. I don't want to be a slave to my human nature. I want to go beyond the limits of the natural and begin to fly into the supernatural. I want to live in the 100 proof presence of you. I want to float. I want to walk on the water. I want to play games of faith. I want to ascend and descend. I want to laugh and dance with angels. Let's go there. Please, take me there.

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