Okay, first of all, on my very first day back to the city, I walk into Starbucks on 70th and Broadway, and who should be working there, but my friend who I worked with at Columbus Circle. She happened to be the manager, and she hired me on the spot.

Second of all, the first Dream Theater show that I ever got to see was a FULL OUT ROCK SHOW. They've been touring with Iron Maiden, and have been the opening act, so they really don't get to do their epic pieces. However, the show I went to in Worcester was EPICALLY AMAZING. To top that, two days later, I saw Dream Theater again, and my friend Zack just happens to be cousins with Mike Portnoy (the drummer of DT). SO I GOT TO MEET THEM. Well, three out of five, two of them left early, but still, that's pretty darn awesome.

So, all in all, I have to say that I've had a few dreams come true this week, and God is good.
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