I've recently moved into a sweet little deal in Harlem. I have two really great roomies, and Sophie loves the apartment. Though I've been in New York City since May, I haven't really written about it, except to say that it was lonely when I first got here. I'm more accustomed to the loneliness, and I find that sometimes, I prefer the loneliness to the hustle and bustle of the city, but I digress. I think the reason why I stopped writing- other than being insanely busy- is because I haven't felt at home in this city. Maybe all I needed was time, or maybe it was because I was sleeping in a living room, but New York is now... home. Maybe all it took was finding the right place.

So now that I'm finally writing again, I should talk about AMDA. It was the reason why I came to New York, afterall. My days consist of acting, singing, and dancing. I take tap, jazz, ballet, and theatre dance. I have acting classes. I have voice lessons. I have voice and speech classes. I am taking up musical composition and dialects as my electives. And then I have musical theatre class which integrates the acting, singing, and dancing. It has been an awesome experience. I know that I will miss it dearly when next October rolls around- that's when I graduate. I've had the opportunity to meet some crazy talented people, and I hope that I will know them for a long time.
I know this is a very brief and unsatisfactory overview, but it will have to suffice for now. I'm a very busy girl, and I have a lot of work to do.