Well, I am the girl of 100 lists, here's the short version of my admiration lists:
Top 5 People I Admire:
1. Lynette Lewis
Speaker and Author Extraordinaire
This awesome woman is intelligent, has business savvy, and waited on the Lord, even when things seemed the most hopeless. She was faithful to the task God gave her, and chose to give hope and inspiration for women, even when she felt that she was lacking. She didn't try to fit into the mold of most Christian women, and actually excelled in the working/real world without compromising her Godly character.
This awesome woman is intelligent, has business savvy, and waited on the Lord, even when things seemed the most hopeless. She was faithful to the task God gave her, and chose to give hope and inspiration for women, even when she felt that she was lacking. She didn't try to fit into the mold of most Christian women, and actually excelled in the working/real world without compromising her Godly character.
2. Jim Henson
Entertainer, Engineer, Conservationist, Amazing man
Henson left a legacy! He changed the face of puppetry! When most people think of puppets now-a-days they think of the muppet structure which Henson popularized. He brought entertainment to audiences of all ages through child-like means, and he not only used his creations to entertain, but also to educate. He was a peaceful man who wanted to turn the world around. He passed down his vision to his family and friends, and that vision continues today. I now realize it's not easy to be green, but some of us realize that it's beautiful, and it's what we wanna be.
3. Walt Disney
Dream Maker, Miracle Man, Pure Awesome
How do I possibly describe this man? He was a genius who didn't just animate cartoons, but created an entire enterprise devoted to invention and technological advancement. During his early years, he faced a world of dissappointments, yet he continued to create with what he had. By the time The Great Depression hit, Disney was bringing joy and laughter to audiences. People doubted his capabilities, and he proved them wrong. After his death, his family made a WORLD and LAND out of his creations where they continued to encourage the young and old to make dreams and wishes come true.
4. Helen Joy Davidman Lewis
Writer, Poet, Mother, Wife
Helen was a Jewish, athiest, communist, and who later became a Christian, and a tenacious one, at that. She was the wife of C.S. (Jack) Lewis, and she wasn't very well liked by his acquaintances because she was so saucy and fiesty. When their relationship first began, she was the pursuer (very much in the Ruth-like fashion), and Jack was known to hide from her whenever she came to call, but by and by, he came to love her too. She was a dynamic person, and was very ambitious, and went after life at full force, despite all the trials and hardships that she had faced in her past, and she ended up with her treasure at the end of it all.
5. The Newsboys
Rock Band, Worshipers
They aren't afraid to be weird or different, and they carry with them an aura where you are captivated by what they have to say. Their music is wonderfully composed, and it's filled with a lot of clever and tasty lyrics to sink your teeth into, with the help of Steve Taylor, of course. They've changed looks, band members, singers, and instruments, but they're still going strong and bringing the gospel of the good news unashamed to the masses.