Jim Critcher:
(addressed to me and Ashley)
Who's the little sister over here, or the big sister, or however this works?
You guys really are roommates? There's no blood relation here, right? You're really roommates? Okay... alright...
So what are you doing?
(I answer that I work at Starbucks and Reading Tree)
Talk to me about your education just for a moment. Why don't I talk to you about your education for a moment...
Um, you need to get back with it.
You don't like school much on one hand. You've had some less than successful moments at different times in your educational career, alright? You've kinda taken some blows as a result of that, but I really believe the word of the Lord has to do with that.
It's not that you have to do it to achieve something to feel better about yourself, that's not what this is, but I really do believe that this is the path that God has marked out for you, and regardless of how [sequacious] it looks, education is still the path, and He's gonna have you get back on it, alright?
I hope this is making some sense for you, but I think that whatever your plans are, sooner than later. Okay, how is that? Sooner than later, you need to find a way to get back on the track that you're on, okay?
You know, you sometimes have a real issue or some real challenges in a whole realm of self esteem. There are just huge things about your life that you would just love to change. Some things that you'd just love to hit the rewind button on, and not to play back, but to erase if given a choice. "I wish I could have done that a little bit differently," but once again, God wants to just speak that same word over your life, "No regrets." Okay? And that whatever path that it's taken, let me just say to you, that God's gonna have His way in your life.
You know, you're an interesting person, in that you can very sweet... but you can be very... Um... let me just break it down real simply for you... you can be very stubborn at the same time.
(to Ashley)
You have to lock up the knives if y'all live together.
But there's a sweetness, an affability on the outside, but on the inside, you can be amazingly tenacious, which is a kind word for stubborn. You can get locked up about certain things, and you can be absolutely immovable. But God specializes in rocks. If He could deal with Peter, who was a rock, He can deal with you.
So let me just encourage you, go ahead and bend. It's a lot better to bend than be broken, and God's gonna have His way in your life. I want you to hear that.
Also, you haven't blown anything up. The enemy says, and you even hear this word: Education- you don't understand what a complicated mess that is. Yet God specializes in complicated mess, and your whole track of education, academics. Your story is going to be a story of redemption, and there is a testimony in the making about this.
And so we're just going to stop right there because I really believe that's the word of the Lord for you. Get back in school. Amen?
I'm so sorry that I'm not prophesying like money, and men, and missions. That's three "M's," that must be God right there. But that's the word of the Lord, and He is going to give you a unique grace to complete it. Okay? Tremendous!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fade to Grey
Some days seem so methodical. Humdrum. I don't think that I've given up the fight, but there's a state of numbness that seems to have overtaken... everything. I'm not good, I'm not bad, I'm not right, I'm not wrong... I'm just a shade of grey. Sometimes fading darker, sometimes fading lighter, but grey, all the same.
How do you break from the grey? Where does the color come in? Where is the artist who is supposed to paint my dull canvas, and how do I find him?
Can I stand by a river and ask if the dream giver if He still waits for me? I need to know that you're still here. I need to have you nearby so that I won't make a mess of everything!
Come, beat a drum, so that I will still hear. Show me something beautiful so that I won't stop believing. Bring something that will keep me from fading...
How do you break from the grey? Where does the color come in? Where is the artist who is supposed to paint my dull canvas, and how do I find him?
Can I stand by a river and ask if the dream giver if He still waits for me? I need to know that you're still here. I need to have you nearby so that I won't make a mess of everything!
Come, beat a drum, so that I will still hear. Show me something beautiful so that I won't stop believing. Bring something that will keep me from fading...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Home Sweet Harlem

I've recently moved into a sweet little deal in Harlem. I have two really great roomies, and Sophie loves the apartment. Though I've been in New York City since May, I haven't really written about it, except to say that it was lonely when I first got here. I'm more accustomed to the loneliness, and I find that sometimes, I prefer the loneliness to the hustle and bustle of the city, but I digress. I think the reason why I stopped writing- other than being insanely busy- is because I haven't felt at home in this city. Maybe all I needed was time, or maybe it was because I was sleeping in a living room, but New York is now... home. Maybe all it took was finding the right place.

So now that I'm finally writing again, I should talk about AMDA. It was the reason why I came to New York, afterall. My days consist of acting, singing, and dancing. I take tap, jazz, ballet, and theatre dance. I have acting classes. I have voice lessons. I have voice and speech classes. I am taking up musical composition and dialects as my electives. And then I have musical theatre class which integrates the acting, singing, and dancing. It has been an awesome experience. I know that I will miss it dearly when next October rolls around- that's when I graduate. I've had the opportunity to meet some crazy talented people, and I hope that I will know them for a long time.
I know this is a very brief and unsatisfactory overview, but it will have to suffice for now. I'm a very busy girl, and I have a lot of work to do.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The End

Ashley closed on the house, and it's officially the end of the season. Atlanta isn't home anymore, Goodbye Huntington Trace. Goodbye Frank and Alfonso. Goodbye children running around. Goodbye daffodils and tulips in the spring. Goodbye ice cream truck that played the same song over and over and OVER. Goodbye days of lying on the couch and watching "You've Got Mail."
Monday, July 7, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Twenty Four Waiting Rooms
Well, two big events just passed. First was the big AMDA audition, and the second was my twenty fourth birthday. I'm still waiting to hear back to see if I made it. I think I did well. The adjudicator said I did well, so I am 75% positive that I at least got accepted. But after waiting for an acceptance, I'll be waiting for the financial aid. It feels like it's one waiting room after another. It's one step, then the next. I feel like one of Brian Andreas' Story People.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Life is Unfair

The package was delivered and signed by an "M. Jacky" on December 14. I called customer service to inquire about this. How did this "M. Jacky" receive my shuffle pod? It had to have been sent to the wrong address, how was it sent to the wrong addresss? What are they going to do about this?
Well, they don't know how any of it happened, and they aren't going to do anything about it. So I have no Ipod Shuffle, and I have less minutes on my cell phone, and I have a bank account that I never really needed in the first place. One thing that really bothers me is that customer service could care less about what happened. It's called "service" for a reason. If you can't even do what you're being paid to do, then why should I even bank with you? You need me, I don't need you. I'll just burn that bridge.
When I terminate my relationship with this banking company, I'll have gained nothing but headaches and hassle, and lost a few small things including my trust in people. Especially people who steal other people's Ipod Shuffles. And people who work in customer service... and people who work in mailing services too.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Top Five
Well, I am the girl of 100 lists, here's the short version of my admiration lists:
Top 5 People I Admire:
1. Lynette Lewis
Speaker and Author Extraordinaire
This awesome woman is intelligent, has business savvy, and waited on the Lord, even when things seemed the most hopeless. She was faithful to the task God gave her, and chose to give hope and inspiration for women, even when she felt that she was lacking. She didn't try to fit into the mold of most Christian women, and actually excelled in the working/real world without compromising her Godly character.
This awesome woman is intelligent, has business savvy, and waited on the Lord, even when things seemed the most hopeless. She was faithful to the task God gave her, and chose to give hope and inspiration for women, even when she felt that she was lacking. She didn't try to fit into the mold of most Christian women, and actually excelled in the working/real world without compromising her Godly character.
2. Jim Henson
Entertainer, Engineer, Conservationist, Amazing man
Henson left a legacy! He changed the face of puppetry! When most people think of puppets now-a-days they think of the muppet structure which Henson popularized. He brought entertainment to audiences of all ages through child-like means, and he not only used his creations to entertain, but also to educate. He was a peaceful man who wanted to turn the world around. He passed down his vision to his family and friends, and that vision continues today. I now realize it's not easy to be green, but some of us realize that it's beautiful, and it's what we wanna be.
3. Walt Disney
Dream Maker, Miracle Man, Pure Awesome
How do I possibly describe this man? He was a genius who didn't just animate cartoons, but created an entire enterprise devoted to invention and technological advancement. During his early years, he faced a world of dissappointments, yet he continued to create with what he had. By the time The Great Depression hit, Disney was bringing joy and laughter to audiences. People doubted his capabilities, and he proved them wrong. After his death, his family made a WORLD and LAND out of his creations where they continued to encourage the young and old to make dreams and wishes come true.
4. Helen Joy Davidman Lewis
Writer, Poet, Mother, Wife
Helen was a Jewish, athiest, communist, and who later became a Christian, and a tenacious one, at that. She was the wife of C.S. (Jack) Lewis, and she wasn't very well liked by his acquaintances because she was so saucy and fiesty. When their relationship first began, she was the pursuer (very much in the Ruth-like fashion), and Jack was known to hide from her whenever she came to call, but by and by, he came to love her too. She was a dynamic person, and was very ambitious, and went after life at full force, despite all the trials and hardships that she had faced in her past, and she ended up with her treasure at the end of it all.
5. The Newsboys
Rock Band, Worshipers
They aren't afraid to be weird or different, and they carry with them an aura where you are captivated by what they have to say. Their music is wonderfully composed, and it's filled with a lot of clever and tasty lyrics to sink your teeth into, with the help of Steve Taylor, of course. They've changed looks, band members, singers, and instruments, but they're still going strong and bringing the gospel of the good news unashamed to the masses.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Goodbye Old Pal
Quinn is gone and I'm hurting. I miss my best friend so very much. It feels like part of my heart is ripped out. Maybe I'm being over dramatic, but life just isn't the same without her. I'm just not used to not seeing her, and I just miss that girl like crazy.
Sophie the Cat has been trying to comfort me, but it isn't working. She isn't enough. I know that God is my comforter, and yet, I still don't feel comforted. I think God sometimes wants us to go through mourning so that we know just how wonderful our friends are.
Sophie the Cat has been trying to comfort me, but it isn't working. She isn't enough. I know that God is my comforter, and yet, I still don't feel comforted. I think God sometimes wants us to go through mourning so that we know just how wonderful our friends are.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well Done
A member from my church was in sbux, and he said something awesome to me today. He said that if the Lord came in and saw me at work today, He would say to me:
Well done, good and faithful one.
I was totally floored by this, and I almost cried (and after I got off of work, I did cry). Today in particular, I really was trying to be a good worker since someone mentioned to me a couple of days earlier that I was an unfocused slacker. I was offended, but then I realized that I often do have a bad attitude about going to work. I didn't want to continue on this course, and so I thought that maybe I could try to have a more diligent and hardworking attitude.
When those six simple words were spoken, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was day dreaming about it, in fact, and it was just so beautiful and wonderful, and it's kept me on the verge of tears because it makes me so happy to think about it.
I imagine a clear blue sky, and as I float upon the clouds they aren't icy and cold as reality tells us. Instead, they are fluffy and warm- it is warm, and I'm like a feather, floating on a warm breeze. I can picture being clothed in a flowing golden dress and shoeless, and the gates open wide, and I am brought before the One I've been waiting my whole life to meet. And I'm excited and nervous, and my heart pounds so hard that it rattles my ribcage, and my cheeks are blushing, and I can't help but look down, knowing that I am certainly not worthy to even be in His presence.
And then, He steps from His golden throne, and I turn my eyes for a glimpse of glory, and I quickly look back down hoping that His beauty will not shatter me completely. He is as big as a tower and He is beautiful to see. Light radiates not only around Him but from Him- He is the source of the LIGHT that we had been calling the sun. The angels with their one million eyeballs are shouting and singing and they can't help but applaud the King of Kings. I can only get on my knees and look down.
He lifts up His enormous hand- it is a beautiful hand- the fingers are perfection, they aren't too thin, they are the hands of an artist, the hands of a worker, the hands of a father, the hands of a lover, and He holds it up to silence the crowd. And He kneels down to me and takes my hand, and gently helps me to my feet, and He lifts my face up with a gentle finger under my chin and He looks me straight in the eye and He says:
"Well, done, good and faithful one."
There is silence and everyone has goose pimples on their arms. His voice. OH, WOW. It's warm and deep, and I can feel it resonate through my soul, and it feels as though I'm permanently clean and nothing will ever change it again. All the worthlessness and rejection that had been following me- gone! All of the evil and vile thoughts- gone! All of the violence and covetousness- gone! Everything is gone, gone, gone... gone, so long!
All I can feel is His warmth, His tenderness, His affection, and His love. And I know without a doubt that I am My Beloved's and He is MINE.
I love it when God uses the simplest things to touch our hearts while we're here on earth, but I'll tell you what- I can't wait to go to heaven!!!!
Well done, good and faithful one.
I was totally floored by this, and I almost cried (and after I got off of work, I did cry). Today in particular, I really was trying to be a good worker since someone mentioned to me a couple of days earlier that I was an unfocused slacker. I was offended, but then I realized that I often do have a bad attitude about going to work. I didn't want to continue on this course, and so I thought that maybe I could try to have a more diligent and hardworking attitude.
When those six simple words were spoken, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was day dreaming about it, in fact, and it was just so beautiful and wonderful, and it's kept me on the verge of tears because it makes me so happy to think about it.
I imagine a clear blue sky, and as I float upon the clouds they aren't icy and cold as reality tells us. Instead, they are fluffy and warm- it is warm, and I'm like a feather, floating on a warm breeze. I can picture being clothed in a flowing golden dress and shoeless, and the gates open wide, and I am brought before the One I've been waiting my whole life to meet. And I'm excited and nervous, and my heart pounds so hard that it rattles my ribcage, and my cheeks are blushing, and I can't help but look down, knowing that I am certainly not worthy to even be in His presence.
And then, He steps from His golden throne, and I turn my eyes for a glimpse of glory, and I quickly look back down hoping that His beauty will not shatter me completely. He is as big as a tower and He is beautiful to see. Light radiates not only around Him but from Him- He is the source of the LIGHT that we had been calling the sun. The angels with their one million eyeballs are shouting and singing and they can't help but applaud the King of Kings. I can only get on my knees and look down.
He lifts up His enormous hand- it is a beautiful hand- the fingers are perfection, they aren't too thin, they are the hands of an artist, the hands of a worker, the hands of a father, the hands of a lover, and He holds it up to silence the crowd. And He kneels down to me and takes my hand, and gently helps me to my feet, and He lifts my face up with a gentle finger under my chin and He looks me straight in the eye and He says:
"Well, done, good and faithful one."
There is silence and everyone has goose pimples on their arms. His voice. OH, WOW. It's warm and deep, and I can feel it resonate through my soul, and it feels as though I'm permanently clean and nothing will ever change it again. All the worthlessness and rejection that had been following me- gone! All of the evil and vile thoughts- gone! All of the violence and covetousness- gone! Everything is gone, gone, gone... gone, so long!
All I can feel is His warmth, His tenderness, His affection, and His love. And I know without a doubt that I am My Beloved's and He is MINE.
I love it when God uses the simplest things to touch our hearts while we're here on earth, but I'll tell you what- I can't wait to go to heaven!!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A Thousand Words

Ethan, Mike, Michaela
Mike plays Mr. Mayor Who in Seussical and he brought his babies.
The Reading Tree
I love puppets, especially happy ones.

Rehearsal got moved to Siobhan and Shauna's place. This picture pretty much describes how the rehearsal went...

First Loves
Music and books are a few of my first loves...

Starry Nights
It was raining beautifully outside, and you could see the stars, but I was actually more interested in the the wind chimes...

Here's Lookin' At You, Kid
Robert's birthday was on Friday, and he was very excited about it. Can't you tell from the look in his eyes?

I got into an little accident. It made me sad, but I'm still alive, and God is still good.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Photo Strolls

The Three Bears Cafe
Quinn and I got the giggles over the name of the restaurant... you know, being on a bear hunt and all...

The Gathering
(The Northcott Home)
The cat was surrounded by shoes. A cat after my own heart.

Community Center Gazebo
I love gazebos.

Tempting Mr. Frog Prince, but I prefer bears.

(aka The Huntington Manor)
We Huntington chicks love us some tea time!
And these are the posts of the week.
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